
Click on “Genealogy” to see a list of scheduled presentations!

Archive Your Past, based in Milwaukee, WI, is all about family history and historical documents.

We offer:
Genealogy classes at local libraries, historical and genealogical societies to learn more about US genealogy research
Lineage Research Preparation
Organization of records and photographs for the genealogist or family historian (in home or in studio)
Preservation of documents, photos, and other unbound paper materials (in studio only)
Digitization of slides, VHS, and more (in studio only)
Visitation slideshow or Memorial Video for funerals (local to SE WI)

How helpful would it be to have a brochure of services?  Brochure of Services

Archive Your Past is your GAL! (Genealogist, Archivist, and Librarian)
I’m the owner of Archive Your Past and have worked as a librarian and archivist for almost 25 years and have been researching and loving genealogy for more than 30 years.  My master’s degree is in Library Sciences with a concentration on historical documents and audiovisual materials.  How can Archive Your Past help you?

Send Archive Your Past an email.  Let’s get the conversation started.